It’s finally December, and with that comes a lot to get excited for: festive music, scarf weather, and a ready excuse to stay home and wrap up with a warm blanket in front of a beloved holiday movie. This month is certainly a reason to smile and celebrate, and the season doesn’t need to be any less wonderful because you have invisible aligners.

Yes, there are adjustments that you have to make, but follow our Holiday Guide and you may just find yourself happier and more hopeful than ever before.

Wear Your Aligners

We know we sound like a broken record here, but it is imperative that you keep your aligners on for at least 22 hours a day, or basically at any point when you’re not eating, and this applies to holiday parties and special gatherings, too. Equally as important is that you don’t drink or ingest anything that isn’t cool, clear water while wearing your aligners. Taking good care of your body and yourself doesn’t have to start after the new year; do yourself a solid by making proactive decisions this December. Make the right decisions and stick to a mostly healthy diet when you can.

Set Alarms

The holidays are a very busy time of year. Between family, friends, and last minute gift shopping, there barely seems to be enough time in the day to have a shower let alone worry about your aligners. That’s why alarms will be your new best friend. Set an alarm to remind you of your allotted time to eat and drink your various meals and beverages. Planning ahead can make a huge difference this holiday season.

Brush and Floss Before Popping Aligners Back In

It’s always important to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before putting aligners back so that dangerous bacteria won’t get trapped there against your teeth, but this is especially true during the holidays.

What does Champagne, peppermint bark, and a cup of hot chocolate all have in common (besides being delicious)? They are all pretty heavily loaded up with sugar, which can wreak havoc on your teeth if you don’t steps to take care of them. Pop into the bathroom after dinner to do a quick amount of dental maintenance before putting your aligners back in place, and consider choosing light or white wines to drink so that your smile stays sparkling.

Pack Your Holiday Survival Kit

Since you’ll probably be bouncing from party to party, now is as good a time as ever to make sure you’re prepared with a holiday survival kit. Grab a small bag and pack it full of floss, mints, lip balm, your aligner case, a travel-sized toothbrush, and some festive peppermint toothpaste. Your survival kit should go everywhere you go this season.

Practice Some Self-care

The holidays are stressful, people! If everyone’s not saying it already, you know they’re thinking it. Why not take a moment to take care of yourself before diving into the deep end? Self-care comes in many forms: maybe you want to try out a lush new face mask you’ve been eyeing, maybe you need to tack on an added 15 minutes to your meditation routine, or maybe you just need to treat yourself to a big cup of ice cream (followed by a brush and floss, of course).

Regardless of what it is, make sure to take the time to treat yourself this holiday season. If you’re using Impressions invisible aligners, then you’ve awarded yourself some extra time anyways.

Plan Your Looks

Nothing creates stress like a last-minute panic to pick out the right holiday outfit. Plan your looks ahead of time to get a jump on the night in question. Are you feeling a festive red frock? Or maybe something sparkly? Is there a velvet option hiding in the back of your closet? Throw on your Michael Bublé Christmas mix and get to assessing your holiday wardrobe. And don’t discount the idea of simple, black staples; it can always be dressed up with some festive accessories.

Drink Lots of Water

Here at Impressions, we are always in the habit of reminding folks to hydrate, but this is an especially good idea during the holidays. The air is often drier this time of year and your skin will be responding to that, and don’t forget that hydration aids your digestion, which will be important when you sit down to your mom’s famous turkey dinner. As an added bonus, increased water intake is great for your teeth and mouth. Make sure to carry a refillable water bottle with you wherever you go and get in the habit of swigging from it regularly.

Brighten Your Teeth

Make sure you’re ready for all the photos by taking extra steps to care for your smile. What better time is there to whiten your teeth? There are plenty of options for those interested in dental whitening. If you’re already an Impressions customer, you’ll have received our whitening gel in the kit that was mailed to your door. If you aren’t, Crest Whitestrips are always a favorite, and plenty of whitening clinics will run specials around the holidays.

Don’t Forget to Smile

No matter what you do, this one is important: smile! The holidays are about spending time with the people you love and being grateful for the year you’ve had, and that should certainly put a smile on your face. Remind yourself of all the good times you’ve had in 2018 and try to look back at the year with appreciation before stepping into a new one.

Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two from reading our Holiday Guide, but either way, we hope you have fun this season. If you’re interested in getting the smile of your dreams in the new year, request an appointment where you can learn more about Impressions, the at-home invisible aligner service bringing stellar teeth to thousands across the country for less. You can find out if you’re a candidate here:

Oh, college! The most carefree of times… and the most pivotal of times.

If you are a college student (or the parent of a college student) you may be asking yourself whether college is a good time to invest in Impressions invisible aligners. The answer is even easier than a freshman prerequisite class: YES.

Am I Too Late? Too Early?

If you missed that “braces rush” that happened somewhere between fourth and ninth grade, you may be wondering whether you should even bother with straightening your teeth. If you are ready for improved dental hygiene and the smile of your dreams, then go for it! Even if you are the parent of a college student or the grandparent of a college student―go for it. It is never too late to improve the health, straightness, and all-around radiance of your smile.

On the flip side of that concern, you may be thinking, “If I waited until college to do this, shouldn’t I just wait until I’m out?” Sure, college may be filled with class, activities, and preparing yourself for your career, but it’s always better to take the plunge now than to wait. The post-grad world will be just as busy or likely busier. When you’re in grad school, starting that 9-5 hustle, planning your wedding, or preparing for your first child… you’ll be glad you already straightened your teeth during your time as an undergrad.

A Great Time to Invest In Yourself

College is already expensive. From the major expenses like tuition and rent, to smaller things like books and going out, you may be hesitant to spend any more money than you already are. That being said, college is a stepping stone to a brighter future. Similarly, Impressions is a stepping stone to the smile of your dreams.

Did you know that 48% of adults have reported that someone’s smile is the most memorable feature? This means more than just impressing the person you hope to take on your sorority/fraternity formal (though there’s nothing wrong with that!). It also means impressing professors, connections, and potential future employers. Of course, your impression on others has to do with far more than your smile. However, if you feel comfortable and confident, this will also help you feel at ease and free to focus on your goals.

It’s Easy and Convenient

College is busy and goes by in a flash, so the last thing you need is a burdensome chore on your hands. Fortunately, Impressions invisible aligners are as easy as they are convenient!

You start at the Impressions Hub, where (unlike most of our competitors) your scans will be taken by a board certified orthodontist. After that, the treatment will happen from the convenience of your home. It is truly the best of both worlds, sacrificing neither quality nor convenience.

Once you have your series of aligners, you’ll be ready to study and straighten anywhere. Take your aligners to college, to study abroad… and home to your parent’s place when it’s time to do laundry!

Your aligners may be easy and convenient, but they do require some care. Make sure you’re wearing your Impressions aligners 22 hours per day, brushing and flossing your teeth before putting them back in, and cleaning them gently. You’ll be used to the maintenance in no time at all, unlike that 8am class that always feels like it happens at sunrise!

Want to see if you qualify for Impressions at-home aligners?

If you are thinking of getting Impressions invisible aligners, we’re excited for you! You’ve chosen to invest in your oral health and make the radiant smile of your dreams a reality. So what’s next?

Here are six things you should know before getting invisible aligners here in beautiful North Carolina!

1) You’re Getting A Series of Clear, Removable Aligners

You may be wondering how something shaped like a clear, removable retainer can straighten your teeth. Well, it’s because it’s more than one “something”! If you’ve already done some research or have friends who’ve straightened their teeth, you might already know this, but today we’re starting with the basics.

Impressions utilizes a numbered series of transparent aligners to straighten your teeth over 6 to 9 months. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks. You can take the aligners out for a total of 2 hours per day, but you must wear them the other 22 hours for optimal results.

2) You Can See A Preview of Your Results

One amazing aspect of Impressions is that you can actually see what your smile will look like after your initial scan at the ImpressionsHub. The 3D imaging our orthodontist uses provides a virtual peek into your dazzling future.

3) You Still Have Access to An Orthodontist

Impressions is meant to be more convenient than traditional orthodontics for adults. That being said, you still have access to an orthodontist if you ever have any questions or concerns about your aligners.

Sometimes you may need to wear a set of aligners for slightly longer than the usual two weeks, sometimes slightly less. It is a nuanced process and we are here for you every step of the way.

4) No Brackets, No Problems

One of the best things about Impressions is that it is way more convenient than metal braces! Though some discomfort, or perhaps the feeling that your teeth are loose, may occur during treatment, the smooth texture of the invisible aligner is typically preferred over brackets.

With the freedom to take them out when you need to, they are great for dates, interviews or whatever your busy life may throw at you. You’ll never experience the frustration (and embarrassment) of getting food stuck in your braces.

You won’t need to alter your diet or purchase any new dental hygiene tools when you opt for Impressions. That said, dental hygiene is always your best friend! Make sure you brush and floss your teeth after every meal before putting your aligners back in, as trapped food between your tooth and the aligner can lead to decay.

5) Invisible Aligner Care

In addition to caring for your teeth, you must care for your invisible aligners. Even though you’ll only wear each set for about two weeks, this is enough time for them to start to yellow if not properly looked after. You can soak your aligners in denture cleaner or Invisalign cleaner, but don’t use your toothbrush and toothpaste, as this can damage them.

6 ) Unique, Like YOU!

Your series of Impressions aligners is custom-made for you! Our board certified orthodontist will use 3D technology to create your aligners, and will be available to you every step of the way.

If your teeth require what you think might be a lot of correction, don’t automatically rule out Impressions. We’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about our at-home orthodontic treatment.

Ready for a free consultation?

Oftentimes it can feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Between jobs, family obligations, a personal life, and the myriad other responsibilities a person has, it can be hard to find the time to take care of yourself and explore your passions.

This may be why, among other reasons, at-home orthodontic correction is such a great alternative to traditional care. When you choose to improve your smile through Impressions, you are taking back ownership of your time. Without the constant need to go to the orthodontist’s office for visits and adjustments, you’ll find yourself able to do more of the things you love. It only takes two visits to one of our Impressions hubs to start treatment, so what else can you do with all your free time? Keep reading to find out our suggestions.

Open a Book

There is so much quality content out in the world just waiting to be read! Perhaps you like the traditional method of a book in hand? If so, there are tons of shops online to get new and used books, as well as thrift stores, garage sales, and the always trusty library. If you haven’t gotten your library card yet, why wait? Sign up today.

If you enjoy reading on screens, the internet is full of interesting short stories and articles worthy of your attention. Also, consider investing in an e-reader. You can download rented ebooks from the library directly to your device for an instant new book.

Take Up Sewing

It’s never too late to learn something new, and sewing is the perfect hobby to take up in adulthood! You can learn to customize any item that you have at home or create your own outfits out of bolts of cloth. Plus, sewing is a skill that you can pass along to other members of your family.

Find Your Inner Picasso

A popular outlet for plenty of people, painting can quickly become a lifelong passion for anyone who puts in a bit of time. It’s unlikely that you’ll be stellar on your first try, so be sure to stick with it, but you will likely find painting can bring you a lot of satisfaction and happiness over time. And you’ll always have a finished product to show for it, which can make excellent decorations and gifts.

Express Yourself on Paper

Not wholly dissimilar to the above suggestion, drawing can be a very fun and entertaining creative outlet. While this is also a skill that takes time to acquire, it’s likely that you’ll find yourself naturally drawn to the activity the more you practice. You can find tons of free tutorials online teaching you the basics and always begin by tracing over items in your house to get a feel for the shapes.

Grow a Green Thumb

Gardening is a great way to pass the time during the spring and summer months. There are many different kinds of plants with different levels of dedication and skill required. You can choose to improve the look of your yard by planting flowers and bushes or develop an herb garden that can season all your homecooked meals.

Write It All Down

As long as you have a pen and a piece of paper to write on, you are ready to journal. Journaling has a wealth of benefits, including conflict resolution and keeping track of your memories. I can’t tell you how great it is to pull out an old journal from a period of time in your past life and be able to relive all the experiences that you thought you’d forgot.

Make the Kitchen Your Comfort Place

All human beings need to eat, and we’re willing to bet that you have been caught once or twice without any plans for dinner and totally at a loss of what to make. Though we all do it multiple times a day, few people really take the time to learn how to make the food they want to eat. Cooking is an invaluable skill that will benefit you for years to come. Spending time in the kitchen, creating something from scratch, benefits not only you but your soul as well. Plus, you’ll be able to host one heck of a dinner party whenever the need arises.

It’s Never too Late to Knit

The pleasant act of working a bundle of yarn in a scarf or hat with just two sticks is not only a skill that you’ll keep for the rest of your life but also a very peaceful way to pass the time. Taking up knitting or crochet is a great way to utilize your time and make something that you can be proud of. Find yourself itching to snack at all hours of the day? Try taking up knitting to occupy your hands and turn your mind off your appetite.

Cycle or Spin?

Whether your bikes on the road outside, tackling hills and racing down a valley, or mounted to a machine, cycling is an excellent way of getting your heart rate going and burning a couple calories. While outdoor cycling tends to be peaceful and enjoyable with its lovely views, indoor cycling classes have the advent of pulsing music and an enthusiastic instructor to keep you on track.

Piece It Together

Puzzling is an excellent way to spend some time and exercise your mind. Most people who devote themselves to puzzling as a hobby become very invested, some of whom even make it to puzzling competitions. Whether you have aspirations of taking your solving skills to the big stage or keeping it in the comfort of your own home, puzzling can be a fun hobby.


Interested in learning a new language? What about a possible second career? Combine both of those goals and you’ll find a coder in the making. Learning to code can stay a hobby or easily transition into something more. At the very least, should your paintings take off and you need a place to sell your art, a person proficient in coding can always design and run their very own website.


There are a ton of reasons to love at-home orthodontic care, but one of the most enticing is all the free time that it leaves you with. Time that you can spend improving your hobbies, working on your health, or generally enjoying yourself. Why not take advantage of such a great opportunity?

To find out if you’re a candidate for Impressions, fill out our online form or contact us to request an appointment.

You’ve made your decision: you’re ready for straighter teeth! You’re ready to invest your time and resources into a one thousand megawatt, perfectly aligned, healthy, sparkling smile. We may be biased, but we think that is a fantastic decision.

Naturally, you then ask yourself questions like, “What comes next?” and “How do invisible aligners differ from braces?”

Well read on, friend, because we are about to shed some light on that question!

Invisible Aligners Are Clear

The aligners’ transparency is the first thing that most people think of when they think of invisible aligners. They think of the fact that they won’t be rocking what we called a “tin grin” back in the day (although we believe those should be rocked with confidence as well!).

Invisible aligners are nearly invisible and are likely to go completely unnoticed in the average conversation. This often appeals to adults, especially those who may have client-facing career paths, or who are planning a wedding, or who simply feel less than comfortable at the idea of metal braces.

Invisible Aligners Are Convenient

As well as being more discreet than traditional braces, invisible aligners are also more convenient. You can take them out to eat, drink beverages other than water, brush, floss, etc. While you do need to wear your aligners 20-22 hours per day in order for them to be effective, being able to take them out for these everyday tasks is a huge plus.

You also won’t need to forgo any of the foods you love. When you wear traditional braces, you have to sacrifice popcorn, gum, caramel, candies, and even chewy foods such as bagels (unless you cut the bagel into small pieces, rather than biting into it). You have to be careful around carrots, apples, and other hard fruits and veggies. Even foods like steak can prove challenging―though they’re less risky when it comes to actually breaking a brace.

Of course, there are dietary considerations when you have invisible aligners too. You should not drink coffee, red wine (although we’ve found some that won’t stain your teeth), or anything besides water when you have your aligners in. Pop them out, enjoy your beverage, and give your teeth a thorough brushing before putting your aligners back in!

Invisible Aligners Are Easy To Clean

Speaking of “a thorough brushing,” let’s back up and talk about brushing and flossing again. Pretty much anyone who has ever had traditional metal braces will tell you how much work it is to take care of your teeth. You must change your brushing technique, purchase special floss, and spend a lot of extra time on your brace-clad grin.

When you have invisible aligners, you can brush and floss just the same as you always did! You do need to clean your aligners and brush your teeth after finishing each meal, but it will certainly be less effort than metal braces.

Invisible Aligners Save Time and Money

If you’re like most people, you’re may be thinking, “All of this sounds awesome, but how hard will it hit my bank account?” Well, about as hard as angel wings and puppy snuggles!

We can’t speak for all brands of invisible aligner, but our Impressions invisible aligners cost only half as much as metal braces. What’s just as exciting is the treatment is also only half as long. With their effective, efficient, and affordable nature, you may just blink and find yourself with the smile of your dreams.

At any one time, millions of Americans are engaging in efforts to improve their smile. Many of those people are choosing to do so by straightening their teeth. There are plenty of reasons to straighten one’s teeth, and thanks to new advances in orthodontic care, plenty of options on how to do so.

Keep reading for a complete list of 20 reasons to get your teeth straightened!

1) Have Straighter Teeth

Perhaps the most obvious reason to straighten your teeth is the fact that you will have straighter teeth, but it still bears mentioning. Straight teeth are not only aesthetically pleasing but they have a big impact on your oral health.

2) Get Healthier Teeth

Crooked and crowded teeth create traps for food and bacteria, which makes you more susceptible to developing gum disease and tooth decay. You don’t want all your regular brushing and flossing to go to waste, do you? Take control of your oral health by straightening your teeth.

3) Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the silent rival to all good oral health一it can sneak up on you and take hold without you even realizing! While cutting back on your sugar intake and maintaining a good diet is always a smart idea, it may not be enough to keep your mouth completely clear of tooth decay. Straightening your teeth makes it easier to thoroughly clean your mouth.

4) Improve Your Bite

A person’s bite develops over time and is thoroughly influenced by the shape of the teeth. If they don’t fit together properly, then the bite will be adjusted for the difference, and a malformed bite can lead to a number of health complications later in life.

5) Enhance your Face

This one may seem a little shallow, but a person’s face is the glue that holds us all together, according to Scientific American. People make split-second decisions about another person based on their face, so why not enhance yours with a great smile?

6) Make Cleaning Easier

Straight teeth are much easier to clean than those that are crooked or otherwise misshaped. This is because there are fewer nooks and crannies for bacteria to hide in. Make cleaning easier on yourself, and you’ll be more likely to do it regularly.

7) Treat a Crooked Jaw

Temporomandibular disorder, also known as TMJ or TMD, is a condition that occurs when the upper and lower jaws don’t come together comfortably. It can result in chronic pain later on as a misaligned jaw or crooked teeth can lead to clenching and/or grinding. Straightening your teeth offers a long-term solution to the discomfort and the stability that may help you put an end to teeth grinding or clenching.

8) Reduce Risk for Sleep Apnea

Straight teeth are typically associated with a properly formed lower face and neck, which allows for adequate air development. Crowded teeth are sometimes associated with a narrow jaw and airway, which puts a person at much higher risk of sleep apnea.

9) Speak More Clearly

Improved speech is often a great side effect of straighter teeth. Once a person’s teeth are better aligned, their mouth moves more naturally and it makes the process of speaking easier and more clear. Paired with a dazzling new smile, the improved speech can be a wonderful confidence booster to those who seek out teeth straightening.

10) No More Stigma

No matter which way a person chooses to straighten their teeth, the stigma that once surrounded certain treatments is all but gone in most parts of the country. People see teeth straightening treatment as a step to better oneself and applaud the effort. Braces and invisible aligners may feel a little ungainly at first, but you’ll hardly notice them after a while.

11) Reduce Risk of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a serious disease that affects a person’s gums and usually happens as a result of poor oral hygiene efforts. As we established at the top of this list, straighter teeth greatly improve the process of cleaning one’s teeth, which in turn improves the health of a person’s gums. Periodontal disease is fairly avoidable but can lead to serious pain and problems if left untreated.

12) Prevent Breakage

Broken teeth are a pain for anyone, and the chances of a person breaking their teeth are much higher if teeth aren’t straight. This has to do with the clenching and grinding that is often a symptom of crooked teeth but is also related to unusual wear patterns that develop and can become detrimental to teeth if a person even bites a piece of food the wrong way. Prevent breakage by improving the shape of your teeth.

13) Decrease Wear

Crooked or uneven teeth don’t fit together well, so usually, a person creates excess wear by trying to fit them together while chewing. When your teeth are straight, your bite will hit at a predictable, steady pace, thus reducing excess wear over time.

14) Self Care is In

Self-care has never been so popular or widely supported, and much of that is thanks to companies and services that are making things like orthodontic care more available to more people than ever before. These coming new years, you may vow to take care of your body by going to the gym or improving your diet, why not vow to care for your teeth by improving their alignment?

15) Develop More Confidence

Perhaps one of the most talked about and appreciated reasons for straightening your teeth is the confidence that a person develops as a result. With nice straight teeth, it’s almost impossible to not feel an instant boost in your confidence. This can lead to better work performances, more opportunities in your personal relationships, and an improved outlook in life overall.

16) Have a Great Smile

A beautiful smile is the best accessory, no matter the season. ‘Nuff said.

17) Improve Health Overall

The health of your mouth is intrinsically linked to the overall health of your body. Improving the shape and look of your teeth will make oral hygiene easier and more accessible, creating a domino effect of good health and hygiene throughout the rest of your body.

18) Plenty of Options to Choose From

There have never been more options to choose from when considering orthodontic improvement then there are now. While braces might be the traditional choice, invisible aligners afford people more comfort and confidence throughout their treatment. If you are dealing with mild to moderate orthodontic changes and interested in seeing the same results in less time and at a much lower cost, consider Impressions. Impressions is the at-home aligner that’s made straightening teeth a breeze for thousands of other patients. Check us out.

This list is full of great reasons to consider straightening one’s teeth, but it really comes down to taking care of yourself and loving the way you look. If you are interested in learning more about Impressions and whether or not you’re a candidate, get in touch with us. Our helpful staff is available to answer any question you might have.

Congratulations are in order, because if you’re reading this piece you’ve likely considered straightening your teeth with invisible aligners, which is going to be a huge victory for you!

While invisible braces are full of advantages and an end result that’s sure to make you smile, there will also likely be some adjustments you’ll need to get used to.

Like anything new and different, unknown side effects may come up and questions will need to be answered during your smile transformation. Since it’s October, we’ve decided to make a list of some of the most common side effects that are experienced while wearing invisible aligners that some people may find to be a little bit ~spooky~.

1) Minor Pain or Discomfort

This first one is probably the frightful feedback that we hear the most. Mild to medium pain and discomfort after beginning your Impressions smile transformation is totally commonplace. Actually, you should take it as a sign that your aligners are doing their job. The slight pain in your mouth is a result of the gradual movement of your teeth into perfect alignment. While it may not feel good, the discomfort or soreness should be gone in a day or two. Think of it like a workout for your teeth; it isn’t working if you’re not feeling the burn!

2) A Slight Change to Your Bite

Straightening a smile inevitably changes the way that teeth touch each other. By the end of treatment, most bites should shift to where they ought to be, which is likely different from where they were before. Plenty of people throughout the United States suffer from over, under, or sideways bites, and have grown accustomed to that position. If you find the discomfort worrying, however, get in touch with one of our representatives so we can double check your progress. We’re always around to help you out.

Woman starts Impressions treatment in North Carolina

3) Issues With Fit

At times when you begin wearing a new set of aligners, they may not fit right. This is due to the differences in each set of Impressions aligners, which are sent to you all at once but changed weekly, that prompts a shift in the shape of your teeth. If your aligners aren’t fitting correctly when you’ve placed them in, consider using Chewies to assist in getting them on.

4) Loosened Teeth

Though certainly a side effect that may give most people a fright, loose teeth are actually a common part of the realignment process. It’s actually a sign that your treatment is working properly and shouldn’t cause you any worry. Once you’ve completed your orthodontic realignment and have stopped wearing your aligners, the looseness will pass.

5) Dry Mouth

If you’ve ever had braces or known someone who has, then you know that dry mouth is just part of the process, but for those who are unfamiliar, having something new in your mouth all day can really dry out your mouth. The best remedy is to increase your intake of cool water throughout the day, which is an excellent habit anyways. Treat yourself to a cute new water bottle and get used to taking it everywhere with you. Not only will you keep yourself hydrated, but you’ll also be helping the planet. An extra tip: don’t leave the house without lip balm either!

6) Bad Breath

Remember that after putting on your aligners, your teeth will not get as much air or water flow as they’re used to, and may be trapped with leftover food and bacteria for hours if you don’t clean them thoroughly. It’s a good idea to bring a teeth cleaning kit with you to school or work so that you can brush, floss and rinse after each meal. This can help you prevent bad breath from occuring, as can regularly cleaning your aligners and eating the right foods. Learn how to do so by reading our blog post about aligner cleaning and maintenance.


7) Lisp

Whether or not you happen to think it’s endearing, a slight lisp has been known to develop because of the aligners. Some find that the aligners change the way they talk, others don’t. It really depends on the person; everyone is different. While it may take a few days, your mouth should adjust to the new hardware and any changes in speech will fade. In all likelihood, no one else that you see will be able to tell the difference, and after a few short months you’ll have a perfect smile that’ll make others stop dead in their tracks.

8) Confidence!

Okay, this one may not be quite as scary, but definitely expect to have a bit of extra confidence following completion of your smile journey. The way you’ll feel with the smile of your dreams is sure to bring positive attention to you, so prepare yourself for a whole lot more confidence as a result!

If you are an Impressions patient and experiencing any of the effects above or otherwise having difficulties, don’t hesitate to get in touch via our website. We have experts available to help you out!

If you are interested in learning more about Impressions or wondering if you could be a candidate, request an appointment  with us! The smile you’ve been waiting for could be much closer than you realized.

Just over a decade ago, the only way to have your teeth straightened was through metal braces, rubber bands, and the accompanying “grin and bear it” mindset. While braces were always worth the end result, a company by the name of Align Technology wanted to find an alternative solution to metal braces. In 1997, they introduced Invisalign.

Now, we’re proud to offer an at-home alternative to braces called Impressions!

Impressions Uses Invisalign Technology

One of our most commonly asked questions is “How is Impressions different from traditional orthodontics?” Well, Impressions actually uses the trusted Invisalign technology that has been changing lives for the past 20+ years. However, the process involves less in-person trips to our office, making it far more efficient and affordable.

The Best of Both Worlds

This at-home take on Invisalign doesn’t compromise the critical initial facetime with a board-certified orthodontist. Unlike most other at-home straightening solutions, Impressions starts with a 3D iTero scan of the teeth and planned by a Diamond-level Invisalign provider. We like to skip the frustration and sub-par results that can come with dipping your teeth in goop! This is not a step in the process that should be DIY.

Invisalign is the best product with the best materials in the industry, and Diamond-level is the highest level of Invisalign provider. Saving on the cost associated with office visits without compromising the quality of aligners or services means having your cake and eating it too. (Just take out your aligners before eating it! 😉 )

Getting Started With Impressions

During your initial appointment at the ImpressionsHub, one of our experienced doctors will not only scan your teeth, but then also modify the digital model to reflect the perfect end result. This is why seeing a board-certified orthodontist is a non-negotiable if you are looking for optimal results.

Align Technology only makes the invisible aligners, while your doctor is the one drawing the roadmap to your perfect smile. You may be getting the Mercedes of aligners, but proper street signage (okay, it’s 2019, maybe just an iPhone with Google Maps) is essential if you want to get to the right place.

Once this roadmap has been seamlessly established, you will be handed the keys. Your Impressions invisible aligners will be mailed to you and you’ll be on the road to the straight, healthy, radiant smile of your dreams.

How Your Invisible Aligners Work

So how do these best-of-both-worlds aligners work? Great question!

Many people who are unfamiliar with Invisalign technology may not realize that you are actually getting a series of aligners.

After your scan, your Impressions kit will come in the mail. You will change them weekly, and each set of aligners brings you one step closer to the end result you were shown digitally during your consultation. You may need to come in for a refinement scan or a retainer appointment, but other than that your treatment takes place in the comfort of your own home.

In addition to the aligners themselves, you will receive:

  1. A manual that details exactly how to use your new aligners
  2. Cases for your trays
  3. “Chewies” to seat the aligners

Make sure to wear them 20-22 hours a day, and call us if you have any questions!

Ready To Get Started?

Impressions invisible aligners work by combining the highest grade materials and orthodontic treatment with the convenience of your own home. It is a fraction of the cost of Invisalign without sacrificing any of the professionalism or quality.

You don’t have to settle for lower quality in order to be kind to your bank account. Let a Diamond-level Invisalign provider set you up for success, and take it from there! You can find out if you’re a candidate for Impressions invisible aligners right away:

Our last post about North Carolina’s fashionable ladies was such a hit, we’re back for a second round! You may not think of quaint Asheville or charming Charlotte as meccas for stylish looks and fashion on a budget, but in that case, you would be sorely mistaken.

The ladies in this list are doing their fabulous best to prove that North Carolina is just as fashionable a state as any other. Here are five more bloggers making the Tarheel state look great.

Meet Zaria – A Dose of Fab

Zaria Brown, otherwise known as @adoseoffab on Instagram, is earning her status as a queen of colorful looks in and around Charlotte. Zaria isn’t afraid of pairing bright looks or bold prints, and she pulls off each outfit with style and grace. An especially appealing part of her blog is that she’s committed to looking fab without emptying the bank account and has plenty of great deals to share with her followers.

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Find more looks on her blog, A Dose of Fab.

Meet Caroline – The Whimsical Pineapple

Caroline at the Whimsical Pineapple has made it her mission to capture and express her full life, messy floors and all. She posts lovely shots all around Charlotte to her Insta, which you can follow @thewhimsicalpineapple, including inspiring outfits and endearing stories from her home life with her fiance. Caroline will quickly become your new best (virtual) friend, and we definitely suggest giving her a follow!

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Check out her blog to read more about her life and style.

Meet Courtney – Awesome on Occasion

There is a lot to love about our next blogger, Courtney, who is based in Asheville. Not least of all is her wonderful blog, called Awesome on Occasion, which blends her personal style and way of life seamlessly into one digestible format. Courtney has an adorable fashion sense that favors simple patterns and neutral colors, which we are already coveting as the weather slides into fall.


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Subscribe to her blog and follow her on Insta for more quality content.

Meet Brittney – The Working Britt

Brittney C. Hill, the creative mind behind The Working Britt, is a goddess of glamor and all things classic beauty. Based in Charlotte, Brittney is a master at creating timeless looks that actually seem achievable. She works in the fashion industry and has done so since high school, which certainly shows in her inspired ensembles.

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Catch her on Instagram @brittney_cherelle and subscribe to her blog for more information. And make sure to check out her highlight, which somehow manages to be perfect every damn day.

Meet Shelby – Lady in Thought

This next blogger babe may be young, but her website Lady in Thought reads like its been written by someone much older than her 21 years. Shelby manages to pair engaging posts with tasteful snapshots of her style, giving you an intimate look into her life. Her style is playful yet refined, and she isn’t afraid to have a little fun on her blog and Instagram.

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Follow her for a daily dose of cute outfits and updates on her life.

BONUS: Meet Emily – Some Pretty Things

This next lady isn’t actually from North Carolina, but as a native of our sister state to the South, we figured it’d be alright if we included her. Emily Lewandowski一creator and writer behind Some Pretty Thing, which is based in Greenville一has curation down to a science. Both her Instagram feed and her blog’s website are gorgeously designed and feature enviable content that’s beautifully photographed. She writes about fashion, beauty, and fitness, among other inspiring topics, and Emily happens to be a lovely writer.


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Follow her for a bit of curated inspiration and enjoyable story-telling.